Monday 31 March 2014

Tebak Tebakan Humor Lucu Banget Gokil Terbaru

Tebak Tebakan Humor Lucu Gokil ini sangat pas untuk mengisi waktu luang kita bersama teman teman atau dengan rekan kerja,lumayan dari pada bengong atupun ngomongin orang lebih baik bermain tebak tebakan yang bisa menjadi hiburan gratis, juga bisa mencairkan otak yang penat setelah seharian bekerja.

 Tebak Tebakan memang sudah ada dari jaman dahulu mungkin gunanya itu yang tadi bisa menghilangkan stres dan menjadi hiburan yang murah meriah yang tidak usah pakai biaya.tapi terkadang tebak tebakan juga bisa gak jadi hiburan tergantung pribadinya masing masing dan bagi yang kurang selera humornya tebak tebakan bisa jadi ngebosenin.

Nah untuk itu bagi yang mempunyai selera humor mungkin  Tebak Tebakan Humor Lucu Banget Gokil Terbaru ini bisa dijadikan sarana untuk hiburan.berikut ini tebak tebakan yang bisa saya sajikan untuk anda semoga bisa jadi hiburan:

Kenapa kentut laki2 lebih keras daripada kentut perempuan?
Karena laki2 punya mic

70 hal apa saja yang disenangi wanita?
1 Shopping, yang lainnya. 69

Apa sangkar burung dengan rok mini?
kalo sangkar burung dibuka sudah pasti burungnya keluar dan kalo rok mini dibuka burungnya malah masuk.

 Apa bedanya ban mobil dengan kondom?
Kalo ban mobil bocor, nyawa bisa hilang; kalo kondom bocor, nyawa bisa nambah

Apa beda sepeda baru sama penganten baru?
sepeda baru dipompa dulu baru dinaikin, penganten baru dinaikin dulu baru dipompa

Apa beda cowok alay dan cowok gay?
cowok alay suka girl band, cowok gay suka boys band

Kenapa tebu rasanya manis?
karena klo pahit namanya jamu

Apa persamaan antara ASI dan air mineral?
Sumbernya sama, dari pegunungan

Kenapa wanita Indonesia paling males kalo disuruh pake helm saat naik motor?
Karena tujuh di antara sepuluh wanita Indonesia bilang lebih aman pake KOTEX!

Kenapa di dalam bajaj nggak ada nyamuk?
Karena nyamuk sini cuma takut tiga roda

Apa perbedaan celana kolor dengan balon gas? 
Kalau Balon gas talinya lepas naik keatas, Kalau Celana kolor talinya lepas turun kebawah.

Kenapa laki-laki senang berpikir dan perempuan senang ngomong? 
Karena laki-laki punya 2 kepala, perempuan punya 2 mulut.

Sunday 30 March 2014

Kata Mutiara Bijak Islami Penyejuk Qalbu

Kata mutiara bijak islami seperti halnya kata bijak yang lain berisikan nasehat nasehat atau motivasi yang sangat baik untuk kehidupan ini adapun yang membedakan nya hanyalah kata mutiara islami ini berisikan hadits ataupun firman Allah SWT,yang sudah barang tentu bisa dijadikan pegangan dalam kehidupan kita yang sesuai dengan ajaran islam.

Jika kita membaca mendengar dan bisa memahami juga mengamalkan arti atau makna dari sebuah kata mutiara islam sejatinya kita akan bisa menjalani kehidupan dengan bijaksana dengan begitu Insya Allah kehidupan kita bisa berkwalitas dan berharga juga memberikan manfaat bagi sesama.

Berikut kita mari simak Kata Mutiara Islami Penyejuk Qalbu yang sebagian besar berisi hadits hadits semoga dengan membacanya kita juga bisa menyerap dan mengamalkan nya untuk bekal menjalani kehidupan ini.

    Jika Allah yang menjadi tujuan, kenapa harus dikalahkan oleh rintangan-rintangan yang kecil di hadapan Allah? Jika mencari nafkah merupakan ibadah, semakin kerja keras kita, insya Allah semakin besar pahala yang akan diberikan oleh Allah. Jika nafkah yang didapat merupakan bekal untuk beribadah, maka semakin banyak nafkah yang didapat, semakin banyak ibadah yang bisa dilakukan.

    Cintailah kekasihmu sekedarnya saja, siapa tahu nanti akan jadi musuhmu. Dan bencilah musuhmu sekedarnya saja, siapa tahu nanti akan jadi kekasihmu. (Ali bin Abi Thalib)

    ” Orangtua adalah pintu surga yang paling tengah, apabila kau mau maka sia-siakanlah pintu tersebut atau peliharalah". (HR. Tirmidzi).

    Barang siapa yang keluar untuk mencari ilmu maka ia berada di jalan Allah sampai ia kembali ( HR Tirmidzi)

    ”Sesungguhnya yang halal itu jelas dan yang haram itu jelas.” (HR. Bukhori dan Muslim)

    Sebaik-baik wanita ialah yang paling ringan mas kawinnya. (HR. Ath-Thabrani)

    Setiap orang yang berkhianat akan diberikan sebuah bendera sbg tanda pada Hari Kiamat nanti. ( HR. Bukhari - Muslim )

    Barangsiapa yang meninggalkan sesuatu karena Allah, maka Allah akan memberinya ganti yang lebih baik.(HR.Ahmad)

    Ketaqwaan itu sumbernya di sini.' Seraya beliau (Rasulullah ) mengisyaratkan kepada dadanya.(HR.Muslim)

    Barangsiapa memperbaiki apa yang dirahasiakannya, maka Allah akan memperbaiki apa yang dilahirkannya (terang-terangan).(HR. Al-Hakim)

    Tiada datang kepadamu zaman kecuali yang sesudahnya lebih buruk daripada yang sebelumnya sampai kamu berjumpa dengan Allah. (HR.Ahmad)

    Ya Allah, cucilah dosa2ku dgn air es & salju, bersihkanlah hatiku dari dosa2ku sbg pakaian yg putih dibersihkan dari kotoran.(HR.Muslim)

    Muslim yang satu adalah bersaudara dengan muslim yang lain. Maka ia tidak boleh mengkhianati, mendustakan dan membiarkannya.(HR.Tirmidzi)

    Hari ini waktunya beramal tanpa perhitungan. Sdg di akhirat nanti waktunya perhitungan & tak ada lagi amal perbuatan. ~Ali bin Abi Thalib~

    Ya Tuhan kami, berilah kepada kami kebaikan di dunia dan kebaikan di akhirat. (Muttafaq'alaih)

    Kemuliaan seseorang adlh agamanya, harga dirinya (kehormatannya) adlh akalnya,sedangkan ketinggian kedudukannya adlh akhlaknya. (HR.Ahmad)

    Orang yang paling jauh dariku pada hari kiamat adalah orang yang banyak omong, yang membual, serta menyombongkan diri. (HR.Ahmad)

    Ya Allah, aku berlindung pada-Mu dr rasa gelisah & sedih, lemah & malas, pengecut & kikir,dibebani hutang & dikuasai manusia.(HR.Bukhari)

    Janganlah mencari rezeki dengan berbuat maksiat, karena karunia Allah tidaklah didapat dengan perbuatan maksiat. (HR. Al-Hakim)

    3 amalan yg disukai Allah; sholat tepat waktu, berbuat baik kepada orang tua, dan jihad di jalan Allah.(Muttafaq'alaih)

    Diantara dosa-dosa besar adalah berkata kasarnya seseorang kepada kedua orang tuanya. (HR.Bukhari)

    Ya Allah, sesungguhnya aku berlindung kepada-Mu dari kesempitan dunia dan kesempitan hari kiamat.(HR.Abu Daud)

    Carilah rezeki dari Allah dan janganlah menjadi beban bagi kaum muslimin.(Sufyan Ats Tsauri)

    Tidak beriman salah seorang di antara kamu hingga dia mencintai untuk saudaranya apa yang dia cintai untuk dirinya sendiri.(HR.Bukhari)

    Wahai para pedagang, sesungguhnya setan dan dosa hadir dalam jual-beli. Maka iringilah jual-belimu dengan banyak bersedekah.(HR.Tirmidzi)

    “Hati-hatilah pada dunia dan hati-hatilah pada wanita karena fitnah pertama bagi Bani Isroil adalah karena wanita.” (HR. Muslim)

    “Doa kalian pasti akan dikabulkan,slama ia tdk trburu2,yaitu dg brkata:aku tlah brdoa,akan ttpi tdk kunjung dikabulkan.(Muttafaqun ‘alaih)

    “Ya Allah, limpahkanlah ketaqwaan kepada jiwaku dan sucikanlah. Engkau adalah sebaik-baik Dzat Yang Mensucikan jiwaku.” (HR. Muslim)

    .Sesungguhnya hanya orang-orang yang bersabarlah Yang dicukupkan pahala mereka tanpa batas.(Az Zumar:10)

     “Orang yang ridha Allah sebagai Rabb, Islam sebagai agama dan Muhammad sebagai rasul, niscaya akan merasakan kelezatan iman.” [HR. Muslim].

     “Dan taatlah kepada Allah dan Rasul (Muhammad) agar kalian diberikan rahmat.” (QS. Ali ‘Imran: 132)

     Sombong adalah menolak kebenaran dan meremehkan orang lain.(HR. Muslim)

    Sesungguhnya Allah tidak menyukai orang-orang yang sombong lagi membanggakan diri.” (QS. Luqman:18)

     “Sesungguhnya Dia tidak menyukai orang-orang yang menyombongkan diri.” (QS. An Nahl: 23)

     Beruntunglah orang yg berislam, dikaruniai rezeki yg cukup, & dia dijadikan menerima apapun yg dikaruniakan Allah (kepadanya).(HR.Muslim)

    Ya Allah, sehatkanlah badanku. Ya Allah sehatkanlah pendengaranku. Ya Allah sehatkanlah penglihatanku. (HR.Abu Daud)

     Wanita dinikahi krn 4 hal, krn harta kekayaannya, kedudukannya, kecantikannya & krn agamanya. Hendaknya pilihlah hal agamanya.(HR.Muslim)

     Di antara akhlak seorang mukmin adalah baik dalam berbicara, tekun bila mendengarkan, berwajah ceria, dan menepati janji.(HR. Ad-Dailami)

     Ya Allah, aku berlindung kepada-Mu dari fitnah, dan azab neraka, serta dari keburukan kekayaan dan kefakiran.(HR.Abu Daud).

    Termasuk dari kesempurnaan keislaman seseorang adalah meninggalkan hal yang tidak bermanfaat.(HR.Tirmidzi)

    Orangtua adalah pintu surga yang paling tengah, apabila kamu mau maka sia-siakanlah pintu tersebut atau peliharalah.(HR.Tirmidzi)

     Seseorang yg membaca tasbih seratus kali itu dituliskan baginya seribu kebaikan atau dihapuskan baginya seribu dosa.(HR.Muslim)

     Ya Allah ampunilah ksalahan,kebodohan & keterlaluanku dlm sgala urusan. Ampuni pula sgl dosa yg Engkau lbh mngetahui drpd aku. (HR.Muslim)

     Kami tidak menurunkan Al-Qur'an ini kepadamu agar kamu menjadi susah. (Thaha:2)

     Allah lebih mengetahui terhadap apa yang mereka lakukan sejak mereka diciptakan.(HR.Bukhari,Muslim)

    Seorang mukmin yang kuat lebih baik dan lebih disukai Allah daripada seorang mukmin yang lemah dalam segala kebaikan.(HR.Muslim)

     Tidak kecewa orang yang istikharah, tidak menyesal orang yang bermusyawarah & tidak akan melarat orang yang hemat.(HR.Thabrani)

     Kejujuran adalah ketentraman, dan kebohongan adalah kebimbangan. (HR.Tirmidzi)

    "Wahai orang-orang yang beriman, bertobatlah kepada Allah dengan taubat yang semurni-murninya." (QS. Al-Tahrim: 8)

     Gunakan waktu sebaik mungkin.Tak ada yg harus disesali.Waktu akan terus berganti dan hanya yg terbaik yg harus kita tuju.

     Tidak ada orang yang kurang atau lebih rendah daripada orang lain, karena sesungguhnya dia hanya berbeda.

    Takutlah kalian terhadap sikap kikir, karena sesungguhnya kikir itu telah membinasakan orang2 sebelum kalian.(HR Muslim)

     Tidak ada yang dapat menolak takdir kecuali do'a, dan tidak ada yang menambah umur kecuali kebaikan. (HR. At-Tirmidzi)

     Azab yang paling ringan di neraka pada hari kiamat ialah dua butir bara api di kedua telapak kakinya yang dapat merebus otak. (HR. Tirmidzi)

     Apabila diserukan untuk shalat datangilah dg berjalan dgn tenang.Apa yg dapat kamu ikuti shalatlah dan yg tertinggal lengkapilah.(HR. Ahmad)

      Orang yang memutus hubungan kekeluargaan tidak akan masuk surga. (Mutafaq'alaih)

     Bagi tiap sesuatu terdapat ujian dan cobaan, dan ujian serta cobaan terhadap umatku ialah harta-benda. (HR. Tirmidzi)

     Barangsiapa mengutamakan kecintaan Allah atas kecintaan manusia maka Allah akan melindunginya dari beban gangguan manusia. (HR. Ad-Dailami)

     Dan tolong-menolonglah kalian dalam melaksanakan kebajikan dan takwa, dan jangan tolong-menolong dalam dosa dan permusuhan”. (Al-Mâidah : 2)

    Nak..Jangan pernah menghitung apa yang telah kau berikan, tapi ingatlah apa yang telah kau terima
    Belum akan datang kiamat sehingga seorang membunuh tetangganya, saudaranya dan ayahnya. (HR. Bukhari)

     Tiap tubuh yang tumbuh dari (makanan) yang haram maka api neraka lebih utama membakarnya. (HR. Ath-Thabrani)

    Barangsiapa memaafkan saat dia mampu membalas maka Allah akan memberinya maaf pada hari kesulitan. (HR. Ath-Thabrani)

     Barangsiapa meninggalkan shalat Ashar dengan sengaja maka Allah akan menggagalkan amalannya (usahanya). (HR. Bukhari)

Saturday 29 March 2014

The DIfference Between Professional Laser Hair Therapy And Laser Hair Combs

Laser hair treatment is effective for the regrowth of hair by straightening out hair follicles and stimulating hair growth. For greatest effect the laser have to get near to the location of the head to be treated. Expert laser therapy uses really pricey devices operated by extremely trained experts.

These equipments have a huge number of lasers and the skillful Professionals ensure optimum application to achieve the best outcomes.
While the treatments can be costly and call for a trip to the Professional Laser Treatment office typically on weekly periods, the treatment can be very successful. Laser hair combs do not have the elegance or power of the expert devices, but can be effective. The laser hair comb is applied by the individual in the privacy of his or her house.

The comb enables the individual to treat only the issue locations. The less powerful laser hair comb can be made use of more commonly and costs considerably less than Professional Treatments. It is very important to be aware that all of the directions accompanied the laser hair comb must be adhered to as misuse can cause injury.

Expert laser hair treatment and the use of a laser hair comb can both be effective ways of promoting hair growth. Expert laser hair treatment utilizes very sophisticated equipments run by experienced specialists and potentially will lead to better regulated positive results.

Laser hair combs can be more economical and more practical to make use of, being applied by the user in the user's home.

The laser hair comb can enable spot treatment on just the area that needs the stimulation, however care should be taken to follow all directions as abuse can be dangerous. The approach chosen for utilization of laser hair treatment should be picked by the user after careful considerations of the benefits, expenses and dangers of using the separate approaches.

The laser is a gadget meant for developing and releasing light rays having extremely specific wavelength and wattage. The thing which makes lasers unique is the wavelength's specificity (coherence). The wattage and color (wavelength) of laser light are selected for the specific function to be achieved.

Therefore lasers which release great wavelengths of red, infrared and green are designated and paired with apposite wattage for precise functions. The laser light required for dealing prototype baldness is red light having wavelength 630-670nm which should be of reduced wattage or power.

Friday 28 March 2014

Custom Packaging Can Be Very Imperative For Delivery Of Items

The ultimate goal of our packaging supplier is the packaging of a product following the requirements of the customer and the type of the products. A contract packager can provide inexpensive, quick and efficient production. It is critical to choose the perfect packager, as it may have a positive or negative impact on a client.

The most popular type of packaging is plastic packaging from contract packing companies. It refers to a specific package that uses thick plastic layers to create a model and covers the item. Commonly toys for children are put inside this packaging because it helps customers to visibly view the produ

Thursday 27 March 2014

Best Price for Bling Jewelry Celtic Knots Double Heart Garnet Drop Earrings 925 Sterling Silver

Bling Jewelry Celtic Knots Double Heart Garnet Drop Earrings 925 Sterling Silver

Bling Jewelry Celtic Knots Double Heart Garnet Drop Earrings 925 Sterling Silver

Introducing our gorgeous Silver Celtic Knots Double Heart Drop Earrings. These marvelous drop earrings will make you look like a unique and charming beauty. Finely crafted with high polished .925 sterling silver, these elegant yet affordable Celtic knot earrings feature two sterling silver Celtic knot hearts, and has a smooth radiant round garnet gemstone in the middle. These pair of enchanting heart earrings is the perfect accessory for Valentines day or any special occasion. Feel alluring and unique with these trendy mystical Celtic earrings, which make the perfect present for those born in the month of January, Celtic lovers, or for anyone on your holiday list.

List Price : $91.99 Price : $39.99

Here is why i think all of you should buy Bling Jewelry Celtic Knots Double Heart Garnet Drop Earrings 925 Sterling Silver

Double heart Celtic knot drop earrings
garnet gemstone
1 in L x 0.25 in W
.925 Sterling silver
Total weight is 3 grams

Special for our fellow USA citizen, get big discount and fast USA shipping for Bling Jewelry Celtic Knots Double Heart Garnet Drop Earrings 925 Sterling Silver this month.

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Wednesday 26 March 2014

Tips Mencegah Rambut Rontok Bagi Wanita Berjilbab

Bagi para wanita muslimah selain menjadi identitas berjilbab juga merupakan kewajiban yang harus dilaksanakan karena sesuai aturan yang di ajarkan dalam agama islam,namun pada kenyataannya para wanita yang berjilbab sering mengalami kerontokan pada rambutnya, sehingga banyak wanita yang ragu untuk berjilbab karena alasan itu tadi membuat rontok rambut.

Namun kerontokan rambut para hijabers itu tidak melulu dikarenakan berjilbab karena kalau saja para hijabers memperhatikan dengan cermat tata cara berjilbab yang baik akan dapat mencegah kerontokan rambut yang berjilbab itu.

Untuk itu bagi wanita yang belum memakai jilbab tidak usah ragu dan takut untuk berjilbab,karena banyak cara untuk mencegah rambut rontok bagi yang berjilbab.
Berikut beberapa Tips Mencegah Rambut Rontok Bagi Wanita Berjilbab yang mudah mudahan bermanfaat:

1.Bagi yang berambut panjang jangan mengikat rambut terlalu kencang,bisa dibayangkan jika rambut diikat kencang lalu ditutupi selama seharian pasti akan menimbulkan ketombe dan pada akhitnya rambut mengalami kerontokan.

2.Harus pandai pandai memilih bahan jilbab,pilihlah bahan jilbab yang dapat menyerap keringat seperti katun paris dan hindari pemakaian yang terlalu sering dari bahan yang licin seperti sifon.

3.Perhatikan juga dalaman jilbab atau ciput yang digunakan,usahakan memakai dari bahan yang lembut,menyerap keringat dan jangan terlalu ketat.

4.Konsumsi makanan kaya protein seperti seafood,penuhi asupan vitamin B yang bisa didapat dari sereal,roti,daging merah,kuning telur,sayuran dll.

5.Usahakan untuk keramas tiap hari karena kondisi rambut yang tertutup seharian akan menjadi lembab dan mengakibatkan ketombe yang pada akhirnya akan menyebabkan kerontokan.

6.Hindari paparan asap polusi,meskipun rambut tertutup jilbab bukan berarti aman dari paparan asap polusi,hindari sebisa mungkin paparan polusi yang terlalu banyak.

7.Ganti jilbab setiap hari,selain menjaga`agar kondisi tetap sehat dan bersih,mengganti jilbab setiap hari juga akan mengurangi resiko rambut rontok.

Itulah sedikit tips pencegahan kerontokan rambut bagi yang berjilbab

Tuesday 25 March 2014

What you need to know for Jerzees Heavyweight Sleeveless T-Shirt. 49M - Light Oxford 49M 3XL

Jerzees Heavyweight Sleeveless T-Shirt. 49M - Light Oxford 49M 3XL

Jerzees Heavyweight Sleeveless T-Shirt. 49M - Light Oxford 49M 3XL

100% cotton preshrunk jersey; tear-away label; double-needle stitched; 1x1 ribbed collar with shoulder-to-shoulder tape; seamless body for wide printing area; Ash is 98% cotton, 2% polyester; Atheltic Heather is 90% cotton, 10% polyester;

List Price : $11.00 Price : $11.40

Here is why i think all of you should buy Jerzees Heavyweight Sleeveless T-Shirt. 49M - Light Oxford 49M 3XL

100% cotton preshrunk jersey; tear-away label; double-needle stitched; 1x1 ribbed collar with shoulder-to-shoulder tape; seamless body for wide printing area; Ash is 98% cotton, 2% polyester; Atheltic Heather is 90% cotton, 10% polyester;

Special for our fellow USA citizen, get big discount and fast USA shipping for Jerzees Heavyweight Sleeveless T-Shirt. 49M - Light Oxford 49M 3XL this month.

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Monday 24 March 2014

What you need to know for Sugoi Firewall 180 Damen, terracotta red (Size: XS) running jacket

Sugoi Firewall 180 Damen, terracotta red (Size: XS) running jacket

Sugoi Firewall 180 Damen, terracotta red (Size: XS) running jacket

  • Jacket:
    • category: Running jacket
    • Type: soft-shell coat
    • Coating: midlayer / thermo coating
    • Tailored: feminine & comfortable/ light
    • Waterproof: Water repellent
    • windproof: wind deflecting
  • Season:
    • season: Winter
  • Material:
    • Over Fabric: 100% Polyester
  • Processing:
    • Stitching Type: flat seams
  • Equipment:
    • Reflector Types: Scotchlite
    • Reflective: rear
  • product specific size information: Normal Cut

List Price : $113.73 Price : $69.98

Here is why i think all of you should buy Sugoi Firewall 180 Damen, terracotta red (Size: XS) running jacket

Jacket-category: Running jacket
Jacket-Type: soft-shell coat
Season-season: Winter
Jacket-Coating: midlayer / thermo coating
Jacket-Tailored: feminine & comfortable/ light

Special for our fellow USA citizen, get big discount and fast USA shipping for Sugoi Firewall 180 Damen, terracotta red (Size: XS) running jacket this month.

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Sunday 23 March 2014

Reviews for Dakine Rambler Duffle Gear Bag, Terrain, 40-Liter

Dakine Rambler Duffle Gear Bag, Terrain, 40-Liter

Dakine Rambler Duffle Gear Bag, Terrain, 40-Liter

Dakine duffle canvas bag for day use or travel - Capable of safely storing your gear, all with matched fit and comfort.

List Price : $85.00 Price : $56.62

List below is why i think all of you should buy Dakine Rambler Duffle Gear Bag, Terrain, 40-Liter

Dual zipper main opening with snap detail
Exterior accessory pocket
Blanket roll straps

Special for our fellow USA citizen, get big discount and fast USA shipping for Dakine Rambler Duffle Gear Bag, Terrain, 40-Liter this month.

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Saturday 22 March 2014

Viral Video Marketing Tips

Video marketing is a modern day technique of promoting a business online by creating a video about a product or services and posting it on free video hosting sites such as YouTube. Viral video means creating a video so that maximum people view it and the business succeeds in gaining potential customers through it.

While making a viral video, some proven techniques are used by the business owners in order to optimize their video and enable it to reach out to maximum number of targeted viewers within less time. They also closely follow the viral video tips offered by experts to gain the best results.

Viral video is a very effective marketing tool and by creating such a video you can easily draw in a large amount of traffic to your website. However, while creating such a video, there are certain things that you need to take care of, so that the results happen in your favor and nothing goes wrong, affecting your business in a negative way.

One of the most essential viral video tips that you should follow is, ensure that the video you have created is unique and completely different from the rest which are already existing online. If your video and the way of promoting your products and services is not new and impressive, then there is no point of creating such videos, as it will fail to draw the attention and interest of viewers.

If you want your video to spread out like a virus on the internet, then it definitely needs to be original and creative. Moreover, if your video is just a copy of another video, which has already existed on the World Wide Web for quite some time now, you will certainly miss out hits of viewers.

In order to make your viral video successful, you should try to make it funny or shocking, so that it easily grabs the attention of viewers. Many a times a controversial video may also work out positively for your business. Whatever, video you make, ensure it is not very long and is interesting to watch, so that more people view your video.

Besides all these viral video tips, one very important thing that you should remember while creating such a video is that, always get it edited and approved by an expert, so that you know you are on the right track.

Friday 21 March 2014

Redesigning Tasks Issues You Should Think About

Piece of art an area is perhaps the least expensive home remodeling you are able to carry out. A brand new cover of color in a distinct color or consistency can fully convert a room for minimal expense. Should your walls usually are not within the greatest condition and also you don't have plenty of time to re-plaster them before artwork, consider dangling wallpapers as an alternative, in order to avoid pulling focus on the damage.

When picking a professional for any house remodelling, don't attempt to easily use the least expensive quote. There is absolutely no guarantee that it will probably be cheaper try using a reduced-price service provider and merely fix any inadequate work afterwards. Less expensive costs generally signify the grade of the task and the materials is additionally reduced.

Self sticky drywall areas can be a must-have redecorating. These patches come in many forms ranging from mesh drywall adhesive tape to those made from a polymer materials. Click them cautiously into place employing an steel. Take care not to scorch the patch or the walls work surface. Fresh paint right on the repair and you'll never ever know it's there.

Open the window curtains and blinds throughout a demonstrating allowing sunlight in to the property. In case the outdoor surroundings is not desirable, look at retaining the window blinds relatively shut down to draw in much less focus to it. Switch on all of the lamps in your house hence the home appears brilliant and cheery as opposed to dim and dreary.

Carpeting the bottoms in the drawers you retain your hand instruments in. This will not merely have the shop area a less noisy spot but it will help protect your important instruments. Always keep individuals equipment rust free by spraying the carpets and rugs lightly with unit oil before you place the equipment inside the cabinet.

To generate money flipping real estate property you should begin with boosting the exterior. Here is the component that will make the first effect on possible buyers and can be achieved rather at low costs. Require a photo in the outdoors and study it when you are not with the residence. It will help you concentrate on what must be repaired or better.

Television set enjoyment holds cost quite a bit of cash. An incredible viable replacement for those costly holders is investing in a wonderful dresser. It is possible to set your Tv set ahead and make use of the dresser drawers to hold your DVDs and CD's. Your controllers and electronic digital guides can be held in a compartment avoiding it from becoming an eyesore.

A frequent occurrence in numerous properties can be a dripping shower room go. This can be the effect of a defective or damaged O-ring inside of the mind. To avoid the leak, simply apply tape on the go, and perspective the head with a water pipe wrench. Obtain an O-band which fits your head and place it in. Spot tubing sealer throughout the tube threads and attach your head again on, by using a ultimate tightening up through the water pipe wrench. Then analyze your head for almost any additional water leaks.

When conducting redecorating operate at your residence, consider making it your personal, without having moving over the top with the redecorating suggestions. Whilst you might like crazy and different design, there is a probability that you simply will shock off several possible buyers should your redecorating alternatives seem like they could be too much work to modify.

Utilize a directly wall surface fitted layer holder to present your pendants and charms. Perhaps you must not suspend your most valuable jewelery. Your unique bits of precious jewelry can also add an individual feel to the room's decor and in addition keep the pendants and bracelets tangle totally free. Maintain your most frequently donned jewelry simple to arrive at.

Wallpaper could be a wonderful designer inclusion to your house, but eventually - accidents happen - and wallpapers can start to peel off. You can actually repair it with a bit of wallpaper paste. Employing a knife, smear some wallpaper mixture on a bit of composing or printing device document. Rub the piece of paper that you just smeared mixture on up lemon juice mold Removal against the underside in the peeling wallpaper. Slowly start off pressing the wallpaper back against the wall structure, when little by little moving out the notepad. Smooth any facial lines or bubbles through the help of a nice and clean cloth.

Well before you consider downsizing your property, consider lengthy and hard about this. Despite the fact that downsizing could be sensible in particular conditions, it also signifies you should do away with most of your possessions and furniture pieces. Also, downsizing signifies there exists significantly less area for those who may possibly pay a visit to you.

If you're increasing the appear and feel of your own cooking area by installing a granite counter top, take into account individual ceramic tiles rather than individual bit slab. Granite slabs of counter top duration may cost up to $5000, and even far more. Rather, put in foot-lengthy granite tiles. For the same volume of area, the installation of granite ceramic tiles will undoubtedly cost a couple of hundred or so dollars.

As you might keep in mind in the first place on this part, being aware of your limits when it comes to redecorating is important. By utilizing the ideas discussed right here, you can pull off your tasks with no problem. Some on-line research and preparation can tends to make points go smoothly, when helping you save time and money.

Thursday 20 March 2014

What Is Your Motivation To Work

Those are the words of a man in love.
"Jacob was in love with Rachel and said, 'I'll work for you seven years in return for your younger daughter Rachel.'" Genesis 29:18 (NIV)
Jacob's statement led me to think about the reasons we choose to work. For each of us, the answer may be different. Let's explore some of the most common motivations to work.
"If anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for his immediate family, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever." 1 Timothy 5:8 (NIV)

For the great majority of the workforce, work provides the financial resources necessary to provide for ourselves and our families. This includes the basic standards of care, such as housing, clothing, and food. It may provide for a means of transportation.
If the income stretches far enough, we may also be able to provide for some of the family's wants and desires, such as extracurricular activities, the latest electronic gadgets, or trips and vacations.
Work is also a way to show others love. As discussed previously, we can demonstrate our love for our family by working to provide for them.

We can also show love for others by working in or with companies and organizations that help others. Many companies provide products and services that help better people's lives. Non-profit organizations support many different causes that are prevalent in our communities.

Whether we work as an employee or a volunteer, our assistance is evidence of our commitment to the people or principles supported by these groups.
We all have a purpose in life. Some of us know what that purpose is. Others are still searching for it. Nevertheless, when we can incorporate that purpose, or our goals, into our worklife, it can be all the more enjoyable.

God wants us to enjoy our work. Solomon tells us in Ecclesiastes 2:24-25, "A man can do nothing better than to eat and drink and find satisfaction in his work. This too, I see, is from the hand of God, for without him, who can eat or find enjoyment?" (NIV)
While money is a common motivation to work, this is a motivation that needs caution. We need to be careful with how we think about money. While money serves a function in our lives, we cannot let it control us. God knew before we were born the kind of hold that money can put on us.

He provides us with guidance in His Word.
In Luke 16:13, Jesus tells us, "No servant can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money." (NIV)
As we consider our own work, as well as the people and the principles that are most important to us, let's evaluate our own level of dedication. Do we display the same passion and enthusiasm for work that Jacob expressed in his quest for Rachel? Can we do more?

Wednesday 19 March 2014

How to Make Your Report Viral

Can you do so too? And how? To answer this question, you have to understand what viral reports are and what makes the viral reports viral.
A viral report is an interesting mix between a computer and mind virus. Like a computer virus they are spread from computer to computer, taking up disk storage. Unlike computer viruses they are not using flaws in PC software. Instead, like mind viruses, they are cheerfully spread around by volunteering humans, because the ideas in these reports are mind viruses that find home in people minds.

Don't get scared by the term "mind viruses." There are tons of good symbiotic mind viruses that help those who carry them. In fact, the language you speak is a swarm of mind viruses originally passed to you by your parents and then complemented by your friends, family, TV, radio, books, whatever source of information you consume.

To spread around, a mind virus must have two things:
* An anchor: the reason why people want to get it in the first place and why people want to keep it.

* A carrier: the reason why people want to spread it.
To be successful, your viral report must have both these components. There is no way around it, you just have to provide both. So, what are they?
Let's start with the anchor. What can you use as an anchor? The generic answer is value. However, there are different kinds of value. When dealing with reports, people normally expect educational value. Ideally, it means that you should provide an "aha moment" for your readers, when they realize something new that makes total sense to them, and that tells them what they can do to reach their goals.

Keep in mind, educational value is not the only kind. For example, viral videos usually rely on entertainment value, personal videos and photos provide social connection value, etc. However, reports normally use educational value as the baseline. If you can stack more value on top of that (entertainment, social status), so much the better.

The carrier is a little trickier. In some cases, you may stack up so much value that it will also become a carrier. People will share your report just because it's that good. That's what Rich Schefren did with his famous "Internet Business Manifesto." However, that's extremely hard.

If you are just starting in viral marketing, do what everybody else does: allow the distributors of your reports to put their affiliate links in it. Money is a great carrier that not many things can beat.

Tuesday 18 March 2014

Top 500 companies in India

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Monday 17 March 2014

Reviews for Bling Jewelry Celtic Knotwork Genuine Oval Amethyst Sterling Dangle Earrings

Bling Jewelry Celtic Knotwork Genuine Oval Amethyst Sterling Dangle Earrings

Bling Jewelry Celtic Knotwork Genuine Oval Amethyst Sterling Dangle Earrings

Look tranquil and elegant when you wear our stunning Silver Amethyst Celtic Knotwork Dangle Earrings. These pair of marvelous yet inexpensive amethyst earrings is finely handcrafted with gleaming .925 sterling silver that has an intricate remarkable tribal design, and features a beautiful oval shape amethyst stone that dangles in the bottom for an dazzling Celtic look. You will feel divine when you wear these pair of shining yet affordable Celtic knot earrings, which is the perfect accessory for evenings or any special occasion. Get in touch with your inner Celtic side with these stylish dangle earrings, which also make a great gift for those who are born in the month of February or for anyone on your holiday list.

List Price : $81.99 Price : $39.99

Below is why i think all of you should buy Bling Jewelry Celtic Knotwork Genuine Oval Amethyst Sterling Dangle Earrings

Celtic knotwork dangle earrings
amethyst gemstone
1.5in L x .25in W
.925 Sterling Silver
Total weight is 3 grams

Special for our fellow USA citizen, get big discount and fast USA shipping for Bling Jewelry Celtic Knotwork Genuine Oval Amethyst Sterling Dangle Earrings this month.

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Sunday 16 March 2014

Gambar Kata Kata Nasehat Kehidupan

Seperti kata bijak pada umumnya Gambar Kata Kata Bijak ini penuh dengan nasehat untuk kehidupan yang tentunya akan sangat berguna untuk kehidupan kita ini,namun dibalik semua nasehat yang terkandung dalam kata kata bijak tentunya akan banyak hikmah yang bisa kita ambil,untuk bekal di kehidupan ini biar berjalan wajar dan penuh ketenangan.

Gambar Kata Kata Nasehat ini jika kita telaah dan perhatikan dan dimengerti isinya tentu bisa di jadikan prinsip dan pegangan untuk kehidupan ini sehingga kita bisa bersikap arif dan bijaksana dalam menghadapi segala cobaan yang menerpa kehidupan kita.

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Saturday 15 March 2014

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Friday 14 March 2014

Viral Videos

Viral Video History
The behaviors behind viral videos, where ideas and news spread between individuals through dialogue, have been present in society since prehistoric times and form part of the foundation of culture.These behaviours are studied by the sociological fields of memetics and semiotics. Word of mouth marketing has long exploited the credibility of personal recommendations, and viral videos also benefit from this effect.

Viral videos began circulating before the major video sharing sites such as YouTube, Funny or Die and CollegeHumor, by e-mail sharing. One of these early videos was "The Spirit of Christmas" which surfaced in 1995.In 1996 "Dancing Baby" appeared.This video was released as samples of 3D character animation software. Ron Lussier, the animator who cleaned up the raw animation, began passing the video around LucasArts, his workplace at the time.A particularly well-known early example was "All your base are belong to us," based on a poorly-translated video game, which was first distributed as a GIF animation and became popular in the year 2000.
Viral videos' staying power relies on hooks, which draw the audience to watch them. The hooks are able to become a part of the viral video culture after being shown repeatedly. The hooks, or key signifiers, are not able to be predicted before the videos become viral.

More recently, there has been a surge in viral videos on video sharing sites such as YouTube, and the availability of affordable digital cameras. Due to these sites, many of the traditionally shared videos have been phased out, though some early examples have been added to the mainstream sites.

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Thursday 13 March 2014

Stay With The Times With The Latest Tech News

In addition, it simultaneously has made the entire world a more compact place to dwell in, not only by making us speak with ourselves but also letting us understand one another far better.

Technology hasn't merely introduced us nearer but additionally had created us much more complete, or even I can say better than what we would have been without it.
It has made people today more mindful of the things which are occurring around us as well as gadgets that are in fact likely to support us in the future. Furthermore, it produced folks more conscious of their talents, by exploiting their own permanently. Today you can find someone's among us that have made productive modification in lifestyle as well as themselves with the aid of latest tech news, obtainable to the technology blogs.

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Kids as we understand are actually far more strong as of late, than we in their age. Technology has manufactured quite a few improvements these days so we nevertheless never know most of them. May very well be with this particular rate of advancement today it would be incredibly tough to maintain pace together with the generation coming ahead.

Right now to date most of us are aware that with changing times we all want to reform ourselves, keep us up-to-date and ought to stick to up the latest trend within the marketplace, not just for details, but in addition for the each day wants.
Every single day news as well as media stories is not at all much like technology news, it may perhaps consist of a part of it, but it is simply not covers every thing within it.

If you're a great reader and have a desire for technology then just you'll be able to see what the creators of lovely tomorrow would like present us. Only our interest within this stream could lead us to someplace very near to what is named tomorrow. May perhaps be something may be left and may possibly not be observed with your eyes for a while, yet at the steady follow-up with the devices and gizmos forthcoming nowadays, we are going to not be missing much from it.

Technology on its way currently reduces its cost and increases its productiveness every day. Thus it is incredibly significant for all of us to know of the most recent incoming releases within the technology.
To do that we could all keep a record of the most up-to-date Tech News & Reviews with the help of technology blogs.

Wednesday 12 March 2014

Best Offers for Ash Women's Cool Sneaker,Orange,40 EU/10 M US

Ash Women's Cool Sneaker,Orange,40 EU/10 M US

Ash Women's Cool Sneaker,Orange,40 EU/10 M US

The Ash Cool Ter Athletic feature a Suede upper with a Round Toe. The Man-Made outsole lends lasting traction and wear.

List Price : $195.00 Price : $156.99

List below is why i think all of you should buy Ash Women's Cool Sneaker,Orange,40 EU/10 M US

This shoes / sandals / boots style name or model number is Cool Ter
Color: Orange
Material: Suede
Measurements: 4.25" heel
Width: M

Special for our fellow USA citizen, get big discount and fast USA shipping for Ash Women's Cool Sneaker,Orange,40 EU/10 M US this month.

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Tuesday 11 March 2014

Top freight forwarding companies,mumbai,india, Sea freight forwarders,new delhi,mumbai,india

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Monday 10 March 2014

Best Offers for Bling Jewelry Gemstone Pink Coral Flower Leaf Sterling Silver Leverback Earrings

Bling Jewelry Gemstone Pink Coral Flower Leaf Sterling Silver Leverback Earrings

Bling Jewelry Gemstone Pink Coral Flower Leaf Sterling Silver Leverback Earrings

Have some coral with your floral. With a fun blend of color and decor, our flower earrings are definitely warm weather ready. The base of our sterling silver jewelry has an adorable cutout design that shows off detailed leaves and flowers, while the centerpiece is an oval piece of coral that comes in a beautiful salmon pink shade. Perfect for pairing with your favorite sundresses or shorts, this lightweight flower jewelry is easy to wear and easy to style. Plus, these make perfect birthday gifts for those summer birthday girls, and perfect Mothers Day gifts to give Mom for her to wear in springtime. Think pink and get this coral jewelry in time for those sunny days.

List Price : $91.99 Price : $44.99

Written below is why i think all of you should buy Bling Jewelry Gemstone Pink Coral Flower Leaf Sterling Silver Leverback Earrings

Floral Coral Leverback Earrings
Sterling Silver
1.5 Inches Long
Weighs 4.6 Grams

Special for our fellow USA citizen, get big discount and fast USA shipping for Bling Jewelry Gemstone Pink Coral Flower Leaf Sterling Silver Leverback Earrings this month.

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Show your support for the fight against cancer with our sterling silver pink ribbon jewelry. We carry breast cancer awareness jewelry like breast cancer bracelets ...
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Sunday 9 March 2014

Kumpulan Foto Biodata Dan Profil Aliando Lengkap

Aktor ganteng yang satu ini memang lagi di gandrungi para remaja terutama para wanita abg yang mungkin karena kegantengannya sehingga mereka sangat mengidolakan Aliando.dalam dunia hiburan televisi Aliando sendiri merupakan aktris pendatang baru khususnya di dunia sinetron indonesia.

Aktris yang memiliki nama lengkap Muhammad Ali Syarief ini merupakan artis keturunan,memiliki darah Arab dari ayahnya dan Indonesia dari ibunya,sehingga Aliando memiliki wajah yang ganteng dan enak dipandang oleh mata .

Nah untuk itu mumpung Aliando lagi digandrungi disini kami akan coba berikan Kumpulan Foto Biodata Dan Profil Aliando Lengkap sehingga dapat memuaskan para fans Aliando yang juga punya sebutan alicious.berikut kita simak aja Foto dan Biodata Aliando:


Biodata Aliando
Nama Lengkap : Muhammad Ali Syarief
Nama Popular : Aliando
Lahir : Jakarta, Indonesia, 26 Oktober 1996
Agama : Islam
Pekerjaan : Aktor, penyanyi
Orangtua : Syarief Alkhatiri (ayah) dan Tengku Resi Revado (ibu)
Hoby : Main drum, sepakbola, menyanyi
Buku Favorite : Ensiklopedia
Jenis Music : Rock, Moderent Rock, Poprock, R&B, Jazz, Slow
Makanan Favorite : rendang, ayam gulai, roti, daging, pecel ayam
Minuman Favorite : es jeruk, jus alpukat, teh es, air putih
Favorite Games : Left 4 Dead, Call of Duty
Alamat : Jalan. Jati 3 Kayuringin Bekasi
Klub Sepakbola favorite: Internazionale Milan,Barcelona,Manchester United
Sekolah: TK Alhusna,SD Alhusna, SMP Martia Bakti
Twitter : @AlySyarief

  • Bara Bere
  • Ibrahim Anak Betawi
  • ABG Jadi Manten (Sudah Keluar)
  • Ganteng Ganteng Serigala (2014)


  • Cinta Monyet Di Kantin Sekolah
  • Komisi Pemberantasan Setan (KPS)
  • Petaka Homeschooling
  • 12:12
  • Headphone Suara Hati
  • Kukibarkan Benderaku
  • Yuk Kita Sekolah
  • Persada Langit Biru
  • Rama dan Shinta (indosiar)
  • Lolly love (TransTV)
  • Si Badil dan Blangkon Ajaib
  • Janji Hati (segera)
  • cinta monyet di kantin (sctv)
Semoga Kumpulan Foto Biodata Dan Profil Aliando Lengkap di atas dapat memuaskan para Alicious khususnya dan umumnya bagi kita para pecinta sinetron.

Saturday 8 March 2014

Best Offers for Ash Women's Thelma Ter Fashion Sneaker,Black,40 EU/10 M US

Ash Women's Thelma Ter Fashion Sneaker,Black,40 EU/10 M US

Ash Women's Thelma Ter Fashion Sneaker,Black,40 EU/10 M US

List Price : $200.00 Price : $60.00

List below is why i think all of you should buy Ash Women's Thelma Ter Fashion Sneaker,Black,40 EU/10 M US

Special for our fellow USA citizen, get big discount and fast USA shipping for Ash Women's Thelma Ter Fashion Sneaker,Black,40 EU/10 M US this month.

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Who Is Calling My Phone? Reverse Phone Detective To The Rescue. There are really only two reasons for you to track a cell phone number or how to find where a cell ...

Friday 7 March 2014

Viral Marketing Ideas - So Exactly What Is Viral Marketing

First of all viral marketing is basically any kind of marketing. You know one thing that I don't like is when people talk about traffic generation techniques; they will list viral marketing as a separate thing. It`s the same. Viral marketing sits above. You do anything, and it turns viral.

Social marketing, article marketing, video marketing, even your paid marketing, press release marketing, brand marketing. All of these can go viral.
Viral is just what happens with your marketing after you release it. So the point of viral marketing is for you to create something and then it gets spread throughout the world. This is exactly how MSN`s Hotmail became what they are. They became what Hotmail was and then got acquired by Microsoft.

Just because every email that went out had a little footer saying "Sign up now for your own free email account". That's viral. Watch YouTube. YouTube went viral. Look at some of the top videos at YouTube. How many videos have you sent to your friends because you thought that they were funny?
That is you participating in viral marketing. How many times have you Tweeted, or FaceBooked something that is funny or a link to something. That is you taking part in viral marketing.

So what we want to do in viral marketing is flip it. How can we device a way that will make other people want to tell other people about it? Basically word of mouth marketing. So the 3 that I discussed below are viral videos. There is nothing new to say there. It's video marketing at its best.
You are watching something that I hope will go viral in sometime. I am going to share with you proof and evidence in a second that what I have been doing HAS gone viral.

Second is incentivized social media. This is a great thing. By the way, let me take a quick break. There are a lot of viral ideas and I ripped actually 3 of these away from a report that my friends put together. Click the link that is there somewhere around this video.

You will have to share your name and email to get it. It's not mine it's his, but I wanted to give him a shot out. It's a great report, read it if you want to know more about viral marketing.

So again the second one is incentivized social media. You want an example, look on the right side of the blog, or if you are watching this video somewhere else go to AnikSingal. Come and you will see that when I say win pads' and win that' go and read that page.

This is what incentivized social media is. I want you to tweet about me, I want you to FaceBook me and in exchange I bribe you with something. That's incentivized social media, see it for yourself. Go to Twitter and type @aniksingal and you will see that there are hundreds of people that have done this and that has helped me make this blog viral.

The third one is what you call Stats Based Press Releases. This is one of my favorite ones. I haven't done this from quite sometime, but I want to start doing this again. It's the easiest way to go viral to media.
It's one thing to go viral to consumers and to people. But it's a whole another ball game to go viral to media. And I did it. I did this once and the whole thing was absolutely mind blowing. So here it is in black and white. launched not so long ago, 134,234 visits since launch.

Whooping 271,957 page views. That's around 300,000 page views in 3 weeks. I accept that I have a list that I market to. 72% of them new visitors. My list isn't that big. My posts have been going viral.
Scroll down my blog and you will see how many times things are being tweeted. You will see how many times it was tagged "like" on FaceBook. You will see that I am using FaceBook plug-in for comments. That means this is how many times it's being spread on FaceBook.

Right now FaceBook is already referring 1% of my traffic.
Now I know that doesn't sound like a lot. But I just started. It's already got me a size-able traffic, free traffic. I have no idea where it's coming from. The rest of it is direct type in traffic. This means my links being forwarded by people to each other. A total of 55% of my traffic is coming from that.
That only means that the rest of coming from people clicking theirs emails as they do have an email database. 55% is just being forwarded around. My most popular post got a little over 14000 views. Trust me I wont be able to get that many clicks even if I mailed my own database.

This is viral.
Second top video, 11600 views. Now it's very obvious that I have been doing viral video marketing. And I have been trying my hand at incentivized social media. And I have done some of the other viral marketing; tips that are in the report of you need to know. The third system you are going to see me use very soon is Stats Based Press Releases.

And what are those, I will explain them right below this video. So to sum it up, viral marketing is very cool. But it is not its own traffic generation technique. It's something that you can use in any of your other marketing methods.

Thursday 6 March 2014

Army Wives Viral Review

And it had a very interesting concept, as it made everyone think twice about a lot of moral issues that we face each day. As for some of the details of the show, we see David at the youth center where things seems to be looking up for him as it is all going good, so far at least.
Because things suddenly change when he gets into an accident with his friend and he starts bleeding. What makes this very dangerous is that he has HIV, which could easily infect someone else if they get in contact with his blood. But thankfully, Rowland who knows all about this was there, and he found out that the other boy, Dustin, had a cut in which some of Davids blood got in, so he decided to rush them to the hospital.

But as soon as they went there, the boys parents, Dustins parents were very awfully rude and impolite towards David Joan and Rowland; they werent justified at all as they were all trying to do the best for their son.
The doctors alongside Rowland start to assure the parents that the possibility of Dustin getting HIV due to his contact with the blood is very low, and that they will do all the needed tests to make sure he is good. And they will keep doing these tests on the course of months to make sure that Dustin is okay.

But nonetheless, the mother doesnt care for all of this, as she isnt hearing any of that the doctors are saying, she started to throw a tantrum and screams loudly that David has HIV and that he could have infected her son, which makes David very embarrassed.
And now onto another scene, as we see Joan going on her popular and successful new website before she goes to school, and she sees that Dustin mothers filing a complaint out of anger and care for her son against David for having HIV, and she said that David HIV should prevent him to be at the Youth Center and that he should be banned.

And she started to warn everyone from playing with him. But of course, Joan takes action towards this nonsense as she isnt going to see what that woman is saying about her son, so she deletes the comments and all what Dustins mother said. But this is not over, as we see Charlie stating that she is getting alto of calls from parents asking if David is going to show in at the Youth Center or no, so Joan and Rowland both took the decision to send David to school and youth camp until all of this cools down a bit.

This is only one of the amazing stories that got presented to us during this episode of Army Wives; all in all it was more than an amazing episode that gave us a lot to think about.

Wednesday 5 March 2014

Turquoise Jewelry - made by Native American Indians

There are many different kinds and types of turquoise here in the U.S., where most of it is mined in the southwest - Arizona, California, Colorado, New Mexico and Nevada. And, there are several Native American Indian tribes that use it in their silver jewelry making - Navajo, Zuni, and Hopi Indians are the masters of turquoise and silver jewelry making. They learned their silversmithing skills from the Mexican Indian tribes when they traded their sheep and cattle for silversmithing instructions. Today, our Native American Indians are making beautiful silver jewelry encrusted with beautiful turqoise gems, that they have learned how to make from generations ago.
Turquoise is an opaque, blue to green mineral that is hydrous pohosphate of copper and aluminum. Its chemica formula is CUAle(PO4)4(OH)8 * 4H2O. The word turquoise comes from Old French in the 16th century and it means "Turkish" because the mineral was first brought to Europe from Turkey but came originally from the turquoise mines in Persia, which is modern day Iran. Turquoise is also mined in China and the turquoise from both these places is very popular in jewely today. I just happen to prefer the turquoise jewelry made by Native American Indians, although I have worn Chinese turquoise also.
The color of turquoise varies from white to powder blue, to sky blue and from blue-green to a yellowish green. Blue is attributed to idiochromatic copper and the green is believed to be the result of iron impurities or dehydration of the gem. Turquoise may be peppered with flecks of pyrite or interspersed with dark, spidery limonite veining.
Turquoise is a secondary mineral coming originally from copper. Copper comes from chalcopyrite, malachite or azurite. Aluminum comes from feldspar and phosphorus comes from apatite. Therefore, turquoise comes from a little bit of all these minerals to make up its substance. Climate also plays an important role in forming the turquoise gem as it is usually found in arid regions, filling or encrusting cavities and fractures in highly altered volcanic rock. Turquoise occurs as a vein or seam fillings and as compact nuggets mostly small in size.
Turquoise was one of the first gems to be mined here in the U.S. Many historic U.S. mines have been depleted already, but some are still worked today. Usually they are still worked by hand with no mechanization today. Often turquoise is found as a byproduct of large copper mining operations in the U.S.
Today, Arizona is the most important producer of the turquoise gem by value. Several important turquoise producing mines in the state are Sleepiing Beauty Mine in Globe, Arizona and Kingman Mine in Kingman, Arizona. Nevada is another state that is a major producer of turquoise. There are approximately 120 mines which have produced significant quantities of turquoise. The chief producers of turquoise in Nevada are Lander and Esmeralda counties.
Navajo Squash Blossom NecklaceSource: Wikipedia See all 5 photos Bolo tie. Silver overlay by Navajo silversmith, Tommy Singer, ca. 1980"s.Source: Wikipedia Do you wear Native American Jewelery?
Yes, and I love it!

No, but I would like to.

No, not my style.
See results without votingNative American Indians and Turquoise Jewelry MakingToday, Native American Jewelry making, using the turquoise gem, is defined as the personal adornment and accessories made by the indiginous people of the U.S. The silver and turquoise jewelry reflects the cultural diversity and history of the Native American Indian Tribes here in the U.S. It remains, even today, a major statement of tribal and individual identity to the Indian silversmithers. Metalsmiths, beaders, carvers, and lapidaries combine a variety of metals, precious and semi-precious gemstones and other materials to create jewelry. Contemporary Native American jewelry can be made from hand-quarried and processed stones and shells to computer-fabricated and titanium jewelry. I prefer the hand-quarried and hand-made turquoise and silver pieces made by the Navajo, Hopi and Zuni Indian tribes who reside in the southwest U.S.
Silversmithing and silver working was adopted by native southwestern artists beginning in the 1850's when Mexican silversmiths had to trade their silverwork knowledge for cattle from the Navajo Indians in the U.S. The Zuni Indians learned silvermaking from the Navajo and by 1890 the Zuni had taught the Hopi how to make silver jewelry.
The Dine` people or the Navajo began working silver in the 19th century. In l853, Atsidi Sani was the first Navajo silversmith and learned his skills from a Mexican silversmith and in 1880 the first turquoise was known to be set in silvers. As time moved on, turquoise became more readily available and used in the Navajo silver jewelry. Today, turquoise is closely associated with Navajo silver jewelry making.
Silver jewelry making was introduced to the Zuni Pueblo Indians in the 19th century. Today, silversmithing and turquoise in jewelry making as always been in use in the Zuni region. They use turquoise as well as jet, argillite, steatite, red shale, freshwater clam shell, abalone and spiny oyster in their jewelry making. Kineshde, a Zuni silversmith in the late 1890's is given credit for first combining silver and turquoise in his jewelry. Zuni jewelers soon became known for their turquoise clusterwork.
The Hopi Indian silversmiths are known today for their overlay technique used in silver jewelry designs. WWII Hopi indian veterans, through the U.S. Department of Interior, learned cutting, grinding and polishing, die-stamping and sand casting of stylized Hopi designs for jewelry. Victor Coochwytewa, is noted as the most innovative jeweler for adapting the overlay technique to Hopi jewelry. Coochwytewa, along with Paul Saufkie and Fred Kabotie, organized the original Hopi Silvercraft Cooperative Guild within their Hopi Indian Tribe.
Overlay is constructed with two layers of silver sheets. One sheet has the design etched on it and then it is welded onto the second sheet with cut out designs. The background is made darker through oxidation and the top layer is polished where the bottom layer of silver is allowed to oxidize. The un-oxidized top layer is made into a cut-out design, which allows the dark bottom layer to show through. I am so fortunate to have a silver Hopi cuff bracelet made of this silver overlay and it is beautiful Hopi Indian craftsmanship.
Surprisingly, except for my trip to Colorado in my early 20's, I have not traveled to the southwest in search of Native American jewelry. I am fortunate to have a great authentic Native American Indian Jewelry store right here in Naples. FL. The last several pieces I have bought have been from this Naples store, so I haven't had to go far for the real deal. The gallery manager, Lisa Milburn, is a reputable buyer of southwest native Navajo, Hopi, and Zuni jewelry pieces, and brings it to us here in Naples. She has another store in Highlands, NC, as well. If interested, you can contact her at:
Silver Eagle
651 Fifth Ave. South
Naples, FL
Silver Eagle
PO Box 422
468 Main St.
Highlands, NC 28741

I know that over the years, Native American Indians have gotten a "bad rap" and have been disenfranchised over gambling casinos and alcohol and drug problems. But, in the area of silversmithing and turquoise jewelry making, Native American Indians are artistic masters. They have spent many hours learning and honing their trade. And, Native American Indians are renouned for their beautiful and creative jewelry making. Their jewelry making represents the best of them, their culture and the great heights our Native American Indians can achieve. They are to be commended for their creativity, originality and painstakingly hours upon hours it takes to make their lovely creations. I hope you will enjoy turquoise and silver jewelry as much as I have, and at the same time, have a beautiful keepsake made by our native countrymen.
The links below can help you get started on obtaining information and on starting to buy your own turquoise and silver jewelry crafted by Native American Indians.
See all 5 photos Fritz Caruse, Navajo indian jeweler, Santa Fe, New MexicoSource: Wikipedia Turquoise Jewelry
Native American Jewelry - EAGLE ROCK TRADING POST
Offering Native American Indian jewelry along with Southwest, silver, and turquoise jewelry. Vintage Old Pawn and contemporary 70 s to present rings, earrings, bracelets, necklaces, watchbands, and belt buckles.

Native American Jewelry | Turquoise Jewelry | SilverTribe
Native American jewelry and Turquoise jewelry at wholesale prices to the public, SilverTribe offer the largest selection online. Our turquoise jewelry sales range from standard American jewelry to unique Native American jewelry designs.

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Home - New Mexico Creates - Stunning Art Work by New Mexico Artists
Shop for hundreds of items by New Mexico artists featuring handcrafted jewelry, art work sculptures, ceramics, handmade pottery, art glass, metal arts, weaving arts, Native American art work and more. Produced by the Museum of New Mexico Foundation

Tommy Singer
Retail and wholesale distributor for Tommy Singer Jewelry, the Navajo Master Native American jewelry maker!
More on Turquoise JewelryIndian Jewelry Making: Volume I Buy Now Turquoise Jewelry Pieces

Tuesday 4 March 2014

What you need to know for Ash Women's Shake Ter Fashion Sneaker,Desert Multi,38 EU/8 M US

Ash Women's Shake Ter Fashion Sneaker,Desert Multi,38 EU/8 M US

Ash Women's Shake Ter Fashion Sneaker,Desert Multi,38 EU/8 M US

List Price : $235.00 Price :

Below is why i think all of you should buy Ash Women's Shake Ter Fashion Sneaker,Desert Multi,38 EU/8 M US

Special for our fellow USA citizen, get big discount and fast USA shipping for Ash Women's Shake Ter Fashion Sneaker,Desert Multi,38 EU/8 M US this month.

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