Saturday, 15 February 2014

Making Your Video Become Viral

One of the most important things to make your video quality increase is an acceptable length. All the net is a twitter with bite-sized content that goes away the reader/viewer/visitor eager for more. It is not necessary to show off everthing about you company, service or product, you just need to remember that your video is there to get the world out.

A viral video creates awareness of your brand. Leave the information part to links - to your website or blog - where the visitor can follow up. If you absolutely can rise your chances of hooking an endless stream of viewers by keeping your video on point and under three minutes.

Tone is another key factor that can push your video over the friends-and-family threshold. By enhancing already familiar content, you'll give your video a built-in audience and you'll give the viewer a common experience to share with friends and co-workers. If you don't have the means to create original music, then be sure to add pre-cleared, up-tempo music available through online music websites that offer usage licenses.

If you're going for a retro fit, you can also use any music that is considered public domain. (Do your online verification and remember that if the music is Mozart, but is performed by a top-ten pop artist, the recording is not in the public domain.) Music keeps fast-surfing viewers satisfied and more motivated to spread the word.

For content that demands slower-paced music, consider a well-paced edit that keeps the excitement high and makes your video sticky. Viewers may immediately want to watch it again.

In general, videos that keep it light, entertaining and fun while packing in a quick laugh give the viewer a better gift to pass along. The broader the humor and the less it relates to unknown people, places or events, the more likely it is to have a wide appeal. Like a lead-in to any written article or oral presentation, cut to the meat of your video and wow the viewer within the first few seconds.

A terrific opening sparks laughter, creates curiosity, and induces shock, disbelief, admiration or a strong emotion.

Understand why people with five or ten disposable minutes in their day respond to certain web content. They typically want information or they want to be entertained. Because videos are visual they are better suited for entertainment than detailed information. Content that is fun is more "video virable" than lengthy explanations and exhaustive research.

By steering clear of making your video play like your company's Power Point presentation or an infomercial laden with corporate speak, logos and references, your video can land agenda-free into the lives of viewers who are just looking for a fun, quick minute. Nobody wants to stumble upon homework, brochures or sermons.

If you're posting on YouTube make sure to include key tag phrases that give your video a visible ranking in search engines. Set up a personalized YouTube Channel where you can upload additional, related video content so that viewers can follow up and learn more.

Include relevant links in the informational portion of your channel and use the written synopsis box for each video to include calls-to-action.

Your video can quickly go viral without you striving to mention it to every stranger you meet in the supermarket. Equipped with the right mix of qualities, it won't rely on you to replicate its website DNA in the inboxes of your target audience. It will know how to get there on its own and it will do so with great flair and plenty of speed.

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